Get Back Up

What a crazy week it has been! I’ve been in 6Sigma training for the 4th week and last one. I’ve been really struggling with trying to fit all aspects of my life, so the lowest priorities tend to fall out. This week, I only wrote once on the blog, and failed to take 2 pictures during the week.

I thought that at any time I failed to take pictures I would just give up the whole project, but I like taking these images. I’m not great, but I do believe I’ve been getting better. Very far from having a style, but I’m starting to prefer a few things over others. Definitely struggle taking pictures of people, I’m not good at looking at the details so faces move or give up on an image. I do like landscapes, urban landscapes, some architecture, and just random things I find as I walk on the streets. I wish I could be better at journalistic images.

Photo Challenge Week 13

Bancos de Guatemala

Hoy, como todos los mese me tocó que visitar nuestro sistema bancario. Lastimosamente no tengo consolidados mis tramites en un sólo lugar. Debo de ir de una cola a otra, tratando de hacer todos los pagos. Tristemente cada banco es diferente y cada uno tiene sus fortalezas y sus debilidades. A mi hoy sólo me ha tocado experimentar las debilidades.

Mi único consuelo es que ente màs me tardo, màs fria estará la Coca Light que me esta esperando en la oficina.