Week Post-Mortem :: 6/6/2014

I’m having trouble coming up with good topics each week, or at least each week, so I’ll do a post-mortem on Mondays.


  • Making excuses for not going to the gym in the morning; I don’t know why I am having trouble getting up at 6 and going to the gym.  I just need to do it! I should re-read about habits.
  • skipping Monday Planning; when there is not much going on I tend to skip my weekly planning on Mondays, I need to reboot this, things are getting complicated.


  • Reading “Up Your Game” by David Bradford; I’m really excited to read this book, looks like something I enjoy already.
  • Making your quarterly Updated List; I want to have a list of people who I connect with at least each quarter.  I have a good idea of who should be on the list, but I just need to write it.


  • Learning about Spigit; this is a great ideation tool.  We kicked this off last week and I continue to learn new things.  I’m really happy with this tool
  • Working on the Cummins BYU MBA group; there are few things that get me  really excited.  This past few weeks I’ve been really immersed in helping with the new interns and new full-time employees.

First Year at Cummins

Having officially signed my yearly review, I can say that I have completed my first year at Cummins. I started in May, so my first year is only of 8 months of work. I will not bore you with the details, since most are internal work I have been doing, but will frame my activities as Stop, Start, & Continue evaluation of my work.


  • Wasting time in low importance activities
  • Making poor food choices during the work day


  • Developing new skills through established on site training
    • Project Management
    • 6Sigma Training
  • Networking more
  • Participating in Affinity Groups at work


  • Focusing on results
  • High quality work
  • Being involved with recruiting: Student Information, Intern Mentoring, Job Placement, and New Hire integration.